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Quran Academy Courses

Dive deeper into learning, loving, and living the Quran with our specially designed premium courses with world-class experts.

Building the Foundation of Effective Quran Memorization

A 6-Week Step-by-Step Course Covering the Psychology, Tools & Long-Term Strategies that Unleash Your Inner Hifdh

By Bilal Memon & Qari Mubashir Anwar

Whether you aspire to become a Hafiz / Hafizah or you simply want to memorize more than just a few short surahs from the Quran, this foundational course is the perfect first step to your lifelong Quran memorization journey.

You'll learn:

  • Module 1: The First Step of Unleashing Your Inner Hifdh
  • Module 2: External Accountability
  • Module 3: Gaining Clarity as a Compass for Success
  • Module 4: Long-Term Strategies for Lasting Memorization
  • Module 5: Taking Action!
  • Module 6: Q&A Session

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