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surah al mulk

SURAH Al-MULK – Part 1

Introduction: The 29th juz of the Quran begins with the 67th surah called Al- Mulk or the Dominion. The chapter derives its name from the words contained in the first verse of the surah. After the Bismillah the chapter begins as, “Full of blessings is He in whose hand is the Kingdom of the Universe, […]

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stay away from shaytaan

6 Daily Tips to Protect Yourself from Shaytaan

Now that Ramadhan has ended and the Devils have been unchained, one of the top focus of every believer should be how to prevent ourselves from the influence and whispers of Shaytaan. Ever since he was cast out from Jannah for leading Adam and Hauwa (as) astray, Shaytaan has vowed to do all he can […]

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surah al baqarah

3 Lessons to Learn From Surah Baqarah – Part I

We all know that surah Baqarah is the longest chapter in the Quran. It comes with lessons, commandments, stories and duas that can transform our lives in a powerful manner. When you choose to learn and inculcate what Allah says in the Quran, you will see your life moving with a sense of direction and […]

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A Muslim’s Guide to Breaking Free of Pornography

A Muslim’s Guide to Breaking Free of Pornography

Porn – the silent sin. The habit that has consumed your soul but you can’t seem to find your way out of it. The reality is that many Muslims, males and females, watch porn. Even when they know that it is a sin, even when they strive to fulfil all their obligations as Muslims. Somehow […]

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how to purify your soul daily as a muslim

How to Purify Your Soul Daily as a Muslim

Every human is a soul within a body. And the same way our body needs healthy, nutritious meals to stay alive, our soul needs purification from time to time so that it can stay true to its purpose on earth. Purification of the soul is a bit like exercise and detox for the body. You […]

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