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Free Quran Apps: How to Choose the Best App for Your Quran Learning

Technology has revolutionized how we live our lives in today’s society. This shapes our interaction with those around us and also affects societal development. Innovators and creatives have used tech to introduce the Islamic faith to digital technologies. There are now a variety of Quran apps available on digital stores. The Holy Quran is the […]

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4 Reasons to Maintain a Quran Memorization Schedule

In our busy lives, it is sometimes easy to forget to maintain our memorization of the Quran. More often, this then leads us to forget what we’ve memorized.  The Quran is the last testament of God sent to humanity and even though we know it gives life to our hearts, we still neglect it unfortunately […]

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Scientific & Medical Benefits of Ablution (Wudu)

A Muslim prays 5 times daily and for which he prepares himself by making wudu and wearing clean clothes. These might seem like an ethic or a procedure before prayer but Allah, the ever giving and most merciful has placed health benefits in wuzu. Each time a Muslim does wuzu he cleanses himself internally in […]

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Lessons from Prophet Ayyub (AS)

Let’s learn Patience with Ayyub (AS) You are a surgeon and are given an opportunity to spend time and learn under the world’s most skilled surgeon free of charge. Are you going to miss that opportunity?  Or, you are an architect and get a voucher for a coaching session with the world’s best architect. Would […]

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How to Learn Quran Together as a Family

One of the most important goals for any Muslim family is to build a deep connection with the Quran, and one of the best ways to do this is to learn Quran together as a family. Few things increase the love between people like the desire to grow together in the Deen. Imagine having a […]

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The Secret of Happiness

If someone were to ask you: “What do you get from reading the Quran?” what will be your answer? Most probably you will say that you get guidance because Quran is a revelation from Allah to guide us to success. Or your answer might be that you get great rewards by reciting Quran… like 10 […]

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