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All posts by Bilal Memon


Patience, Rewards and Better Relationships

Patience, or sabr in Arabic, holds a special place in Islam as a virtue that brings immense rewards and blessings. It is often described as a quality that helps believers endure hardships with a calm heart and a steadfast faith in Allah. In the Quran, Allah mentions patience numerous times, emphasizing its significance for believers. […]

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5 Quran Memorization Tips for Busy People

I memorized the entire Quran almost 17 years ago, but it wasn’t a smooth-sailing experience. I’ve learned a lot through experience, and I’m now here to share with you the best Quran memorization tips that worked for my busy lifestyle, and Insha’Allah they will help you reach your Quran memorization goals too. >>> Do you wish you could […]

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After Reading Chapter 21 of the Quran, My Life Changed… For The Most Unexpected Reason

I was alone that weekend.  The night was closing in. My roommate was not at home. My friends were probably chilling out at the usual coffee spot, but I decided not to join them. Instead, I was home alone in my swanky New York apartment on Murray Hill, my hands rustling through a stack of […]

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