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Tag: love


The Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) Love and Compassion for Us and Others

As Muslims we are taught to love our holy Prophet (ﷺ) more than anyone, but do we know how much he loved us? Do we know about his great compassion? Here are some Quranic verses and hadiths about his love and compassion for us and others. >>> Form a meaningful relationship with the Quran in […]

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Making Dua for Parents

One of the most difficult but satisfying and rewarding jobs is to be a parent. You have the joy of bringing a new person to life, taking care of them and watching them grow, all the which demands huge sacrifices from you. Parenting is not an easy task. Every parent knows the sacrifices that they […]

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How Do I Show That I Love Allah?

Imagine that your spouse or parent asked you to prove that you loved them. Most likely, your response, either verbally or in the form of actions, will be to demonstrate your love for them. You may want to buy them gifts, tell them you love them, do things that will please them, etc. When it […]

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