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Tag: You and Allah

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Allah Loves Us- Here Are 7 Examples of Allah’s Love!

Love can be defined as an “unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another” (Merriam Webster Dictionary). As Muslims we love Allah, but have we reflected on Allah’s love for us? Here are 7 examples of Allah’s love for us in Islam. >>> Discover how easy it is to learn Quranic Arabic in […]

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How to make the most out of a socially-isolated Ramadan

There is a very high chance that all of us are going to have a socially-isolated Ramadan because of the coronavirus pandemic that is currently spreading all over the world.  For many of us, it’ll be the first Ramadan where we will not attend the congregational taraweeh prayers in the masjid, have iftar dinners with […]

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Tawakkul in the Time of Worry

And did people think that they’ll say that they believe without being tested? (Qur’an 29:2) Have you ever deeply pondered on how Muslims of the past felt whenever they went through a calamity? >>> Understand the Quran in as little as 10 minutes/day. Click here to learn more. The Quran tells us stories of the […]

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9 Islamic Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness

Did you know that mindfulness is used to treat heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep problems, addictions, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, digestive problems, and relationship difficulties? (https://www.helpguide.org/harvard/benefits-of-mindfulness.htm) Are you worried you’re missing out on many rewards because you can’t stay focused during prayer? Discover how easy it is to learn Quranic Arabic in as little […]

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Top 5 Islamic Ways to Cope with Problems

Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran that problems are a normal part of this world (verse 3:186 and others). Here are the top 5 Islamic ways to cope with life’s problems. >>> Understand the Quran in as little as 10 minutes/day. Click here to learn more. 5.Find Peace in Qadr/Destiny Qadr is the Islamic […]

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Fell Off the Hifdh Wagon? Here’s How to Get Back Up

One day, you’re inspired to memorize the Quran and you download a Quran app or register at your local Madrasah. The next day, you hit a few stumbling blocks on the way and suddenly you’ve not memorized in days and you’re already forgetting the portion that you’ve memorized. The journey of memorizing the Qur’an is […]

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