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Tag: Quran recitation


Fell Off the Hifdh Wagon? Here’s How to Get Back Up

One day, you’re inspired to memorize the Quran and you download a Quran app or register at your local Madrasah. The next day, you hit a few stumbling blocks on the way and suddenly you’ve not memorized in days and you’re already forgetting the portion that you’ve memorized. The journey of memorizing the Qur’an is […]

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3 Ways to Get Rid of Spiritual Distractions Before Ramadan

It’s the month of Rajab and you may be thinking that Ramadan is still so far away, so why are we talking about it? In reality, even though the month of Ramadan is still several weeks away, there is no better time to start preparing for it than now so that we can have a […]

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Defending Yourself Against the Whispers of Shaytan

“Whom Allah has cursed. For he had said, “I will surely take from among Your servants a specific portion.” “And I will mislead them, and I will arouse in them [sinful] desires, and I will command them so they will slit the ears of cattle, and I will command them so they will change the […]

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Tajweed Helps You Move Closer to the Quran

How Quranic Tajweed Helps You Move Closer to the Quran

I grew up learning the Quran without tajweed. As a non-Arab who didn’t have access to teachers who teach Quranic tajweed in the real sense, my recitation was filled with every error possible. Pronunciation and spelling mistakes and difficulty in pronouncing Arabic alphabets are just some of the issues that I encountered while reciting the […]

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