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Tag: online quran

Tajweed Helps You Move Closer to the Quran

How Quranic Tajweed Helps You Move Closer to the Quran

I grew up learning the Quran without tajweed. As a non-Arab who didn’t have access to teachers who teach Quranic tajweed in the real sense, my recitation was filled with every error possible. Pronunciation and spelling mistakes and difficulty in pronouncing Arabic alphabets are just some of the issues that I encountered while reciting the […]

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How to Effectively Learn Qur’an Online

Many Muslims say that their barrier to learning the Qur’an is that they are unable to find a teacher. Mostly due to the fact that there aren’t many qualified Qur’an teachers where they live. But technology has made everything much easier for us these days, and you will find that you can effectively learn Qur’an […]

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