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All posts by Nasmira Firdous

Allah Is The Best Of Planners

Allah Is The Best Of Planners

Read the title of this article? How often have you come across this quote? It almost sounds clichéd, doesn’t it? We all know Allah plans best, and what He has in store for us is better than all our dreams put together. Knowing is one thing, but accepting this fact when things don’t go according […]

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6 Facts About Surah Qadr

6 Facts About Surah Qadr

Surah al Qadr talks about the most special night in Ramadan, a night which every single Muslim looks forward to during the blessed month. It consists of 5 beautiful verses that speak about the magnanimity of the night of Qadr. Let us look at these verses Insha’Allah. >>> Understand the Quran in as little as […]

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Easy Ways to Attain Barakah

6 Easy Ways to Attain Barakah

We’ve all heard about barakah at some point of time in our lives. However, people often associate the term barakah with wealth. Rather, barakah is all inclusive and covers several aspects of your life apart from wealth. For instance, Allah can place barakah in your time, health, talent and even your sleep! Have you often […]

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What You Can Learn from Surah Yaseen

What You Can Learn From Surah Yaseen

Imagine being the only one in an entire city who believes in a particular religion…you know it’s the truth, but your family, loved ones, friends and every other person you meet refuses to hold the same belief as you. However, that doesn’t stop you from proclaiming the oneness of Allah or following tawheed. You even […]

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6 Duas For Depression

6 Duas for Depression

Life throws several challenges at us from time-to-time. We can go from a state of being super happy to a state of feeling dejected, anxious, sad or depressed in a matter of minutes. As humans, it is a constant struggle to balance our emotions and not allow ourselves to get carried away by the situation […]

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Al Asr

Al Asr- Your Greatest Treasure

“I have no time!” “How do people accomplish so much in 24 hours?” Have you ever wondered or uttered such sentences? As humans, we have a natural tendency to value money, relationships, wealth and other worldly goods, but there is one asset which the rich and poor, the young and old, the healthy and sick […]

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