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5 Rewarding Things To Do On The Day of Jumuah

5 Rewarding Things To Do On The Day of Jumuah

It’s the day of Jumuah, one of the blessed days in Islam. For many of us, the Day of Jumuah may seem like every other week day. And while that is true, as a Muslim, there are acts of worship that you should do to make your Friday as rewarding as possible. If you have […]

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3 Tips To Help You Guard Your Prayer Times

You probably know the struggle. I’m talking about the struggle to perform your Salahs at the right times. You’ve been out all day and couldn’t find a masjid or a private place to pray, so you delay your Salah till you got home. Or you stood up to do one chore around the house, but […]

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Why You Need To Perform This Deed

Psychological Wisdom in the Holy Quran Part 2

In Part 1, we learned about the psychological wisdom in the Holy Quran related to optimism, purpose, and rationality. Part 2 discusses Quranic verses about responsibility, realism, confidence, patience, gentleness, compassion, and forgiveness. >> Understand the Quran in as little as 10 minutes/day. Click here to learn more RESPONSIBILITY Psychologically healthy people take responsibility for […]

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5 Ways To Be Spiritually Healthy

5 Ways To Be Spiritually Healthy

This ephemeral life of ours has artful ways of crawling into our hearts and deflecting us from the truth of our existence. The anxieties of providing for your family can consume you entirely, the approaching deadline of a project is all encompassing, an ongoing conflict within your family tears away a piece of your heart, […]

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4 Tips To Achieving Barakah In Your Day

4 Tips for Achieving Barakah in Your Day

Have you ever had those days where time raced by and you couldn’t point to one productive thing that you achieved? Those days when you find yourself waking up, going to school/work and coming back like a zombie? Many of us complain that 24 hours doesn’t seem to be enough for our tasks in a […]

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travel dua and best practices

Travel Dua & Best Practices

Islam is a beautiful religion that gives a perfect guide to a way of life for all humans. As Muslims, every aspect of our lives has been arranged to our benefit, and we have been given everything that we need to live the best lives on Earth. One of the beauties of Islam that many […]

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