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After Reading Chapter 21 of the Quran, My Life Changed… For The Most Unexpected Reason

I was alone that weekend.  The night was closing in. My roommate was not at home. My friends were probably chilling out at the usual coffee spot, but I decided not to join them. Instead, I was home alone in my swanky New York apartment on Murray Hill, my hands rustling through a stack of […]

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Simple Tools & Strategies to Build a Daily Quran Memorization Habit

You’ve made the intention to pursue a Quran memorization goal. Alhamdulillah! What comes after that? Well, action of course. Now, if you’re anything like most people, you’ve probably mentally written down your action plan. It could sound something like this. >>> Understand the Quran in as little as 10 minutes/day. Click here to learn more. […]

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Quran Companion: Frequently Asked Questions

SECTION A: General SECTION B: How to Use Quran Companion SECTION C: About Hasanah & Hasanah Features SECTION D: On Learning & Memorizing SECTION E: Etiquette of Usage SECTION F: Support

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