Don’t we all wish to see our children opening and reciting the Quran without us asking them to do so? Won’t it make you pleased to see your son or daughter pondering over the Quran and acting upon it? Don’t you wish for them to be eager and excited about it?
The Quran is our ultimate guide to the eternal gardens of pleasure, happiness and success. When we give our hand into its hand and allow it to direct us, we experience closeness to Allah and the sweetness of faith. As parents, we want the best for our children. And when we realize the importance of Quran, we want them to be connected to their perfect guide as well.
The following passages contain tips and steps on how we can materialize this desire and raise children who are in love with the Quran.
1- Immerse yourself in the Quran
You are the parent and everything begins with you. Be very honest and ask yourself this question: How is my relationship with the Quran? Children don’t listen; they imitate. If they see you picking up the Quran a few times a day, they’ll know it is something important. But if they seldom or never ever see you engaged with the Quran they are not likely to obey you.
The first step in engraving the love of Quran in your children is to engrave it in your heart. You can only give what you have. If your own vessel is brimming, the love will automatically pass on. Your enthusiasm will make them enthusiastic. But if you have none, don’t expect much from them.
2- Provide an Islamic environment
Children learn a lot from their environment; from what is happening around them, the places they visit, and the people around them. To make children love the Quran you should provide them with an Islamic environment where Quran is cherished.
An Islamic environment acts as a catalyst for developing the love of Quran in children. I always wanted my son to memorize the Quran. But it started when he saw his uncle reciting the Quran and leading in Taraweeh. This made him really eager to follow his example.
When your home is often filled with the voice of various Qaris reciting Quran, they’ll develop a love for reciting Quran. Befriend, invite and visit the people of Quran, those who study it and act upon it. Also, take them along to Quranic classes and halaqas. When children meet people of the Quran they learn from their manners and knowledge, and want to be like them.
3- Keep revisiting the virtues of Quran
Children find the Quran to be dull, boring and hard. The best way to overcome this, is to visit and keep revisiting the virtues of Quran with them, and the rewards for reciting, studying and memorizing it. There are many ahadith which highlight these. Periodically, discuss these ahadith in detail with your children. And while doing so make sure you discuss Jannah and the reward with zeal and enthusiasm so the children actually want to attain those rewards.
For example, a mother discussed the following hadith and made ‘stairs of Jannah’ for her child. Each time the child finished memorizing a Surah, a stair having the name of the respective Surah was added to his staircase of Surahs on the wall, each surah representing a step towards Paradise.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,
“The one who memorized the Quran shall come on the Day of Judgement and (the reward for reciting the Qur’an) says: “O Lord! Decorate him.” So he is donned with a crown of nobility. Then it says: “O Lord! Give him more!” So he is donned with a suit of nobility. Then it says: “O Lord! Be pleased with him.” So He is pleased with him and says: “Recite and rise up, and be increased in reward with every Ayah.'”
(Tirmidhi; Hasan)
4- Stories from the Quran
Naturally, children love to hear stories (even elders do!). There are a number of stories mentioned throughout the Quran. You can engrave the love of Quran in children by telling them these stories and mentioning to them that these are true stories coming from Allah (swt). Children will then be able to relate to the Quran.
Young children can also relate to the verses talking about the universe and the signs within it, the sun and the moon etc.
5- Have a family Quran time
An old adage goes ‘families that pray together, stay together.’ One of the most effective practices that I have found common in successful Muslim parents is a family time in which they study the Quran or a book of Seerah together. It is a time that is educative and fun, and in which the whole family is engaged.
Allocate a daily/weekly time during which you can discuss various portions from the Quran and how the Quranic lessons can be implemented in your lives. It is important that you talk at the level of your children and keep them engaged. The verses you choose for younger children will of course be different from those discussed with teenagers. This family time can also be conducted by your children if they’re old enough.
6- Make Dua!
We can teach our children all we know about the Quran, we can make efforts to raise them as practicing Muslims, we can remind them about Allah and the Quran; but in the end we do not control their hearts. Neither can we be with them, supervise them or correct them 24/7.
However, we can make Dua to the one who does in fact control their hearts and is with them 24/7. We must never underestimate the power of Dua. The day I increase the quality and quantity of my supplications I start seeing the effects in myself and my child. Remember, ultimately the most important thing is YOUR connection with Allah. Pray to Allah to develop the love of His book in your children.
May Allah engrave the love of Quran in us and our children and make it the spring of our hearts. Ameen!
Jazakallahu khayran for the tips!
Jazakumllaahu khayra
[…] can make for your child is to find them an excellent teacher of the Quran who can teach, guide and instill a love of the words of Allah (ta’ala) into their […]