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Why You Need To Perform This Deed

Now, which deed am I talking about? Is it a difficult one to perform? Does it require a lot of time and effort? What are the benefits of performing this deed? >>> Do you wish you could feel and understand the beauty of the Quran as you recite it? If so, click here to learn […]

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3 Lessons To Learn From Surah Taha

3 Lessons to Learn From Surah Taha

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Allah SWT spoke to you? No seriously! Just imagine a one-on-one conversation with the Lord of the world Himself! *This* is what Musa AS experienced, and the entire conversation has been beautifully recorded in Surah Taha. Spend a few minutes reading verses 9-47 of Surah […]

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5 Ways To Be Spiritually Healthy

5 Ways To Be Spiritually Healthy

This ephemeral life of ours has artful ways of crawling into our hearts and deflecting us from the truth of our existence. The anxieties of providing for your family can consume you entirely, the approaching deadline of a project is all encompassing, an ongoing conflict within your family tears away a piece of your heart, […]

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4 Tips To Achieving Barakah In Your Day

4 Tips for Achieving Barakah in Your Day

Have you ever had those days where time raced by and you couldn’t point to one productive thing that you achieved? Those days when you find yourself waking up, going to school/work and coming back like a zombie? Many of us complain that 24 hours doesn’t seem to be enough for our tasks in a […]

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Allah Is The Best Of Planners

Allah Is The Best Of Planners

Read the title of this article? How often have you come across this quote? It almost sounds clichéd, doesn’t it? We all know Allah plans best, and what He has in store for us is better than all our dreams put together. Knowing is one thing, but accepting this fact when things don’t go according […]

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