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4 Effects of Constant Repentance

“Every son of Adam sins, but the best of you are those who repent”. (Tirmidhi) Constant repentance is something that we have been advised upon as Muslims, by the Qur’an and the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). Regardless of whether you feel like a saint or an irredeemable sinner, we have been told that we should […]

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Spiritually Detoxifying with Sadaqah

The human soul is in need of detoxification every now and then. As we detoxify our bodies from all the toxins accumulated from unhealthy food and drinks, so also does our mind, and most importantly our deen need detoxification from whatever harmful beliefs that we may have internalized along the way. Spiritual detoxification is a […]

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3 Productivity Lessons from the Sahabah

It is that time of the Gregorian calendar when people make resolutions to make changes to their lives for the better. Many people want to become healthier, progress in their careers, take up new opportunities, get married, etc. while many more others want to grow their business and improve different areas of their lives. One […]

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6 Examples of Jihad

In Arabic, the word “jihad” literally means “struggle” or “doing one’s utmost to realize a goal”.  A jihad in the religious sense is any struggle in the cause of God. “Jihad” is not the equivalent of war, for which Arabic and the Quran use the word “qital”. Jihad can take the form of struggling against […]

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How We Can Reduce Trials in Our Lives

“And whatever strikes you of disaster – it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons much.” (Qur’an 42:30) When trials befall a Muslim, no matter how little, it is said that it could be because Allah wants to test that person and elevate their status with Him, or that He is punishing […]

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26 Positive Islamic Affirmations

A positive affirmation is a statement that increases your hope and inner strength. This positive self-talk improves your attitude and actions. Here are some positive Islamic affirmations: >>> Understand the Quran in as little as 10 minutes/day. Click here to learn more I call on Allah (swt) whenever I need His guidance “And your Lord […]

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